Narayanpur District surrounded by Kanker district to the North, Bijapur and Dantewada districts to the south and Bastar district to the East of Chhattisgarh state and Maharastra state to the West. Latitude 190, 42.9 m to the North and Longitude 810, 14.7 m to the East. Average Rainfall: 1324 mm, Average Temperature in Summer: 33 deg C and in Winter: 20 deg C, Population Density: 20 people per square kilometer, Literacy Rate: 49.59 % - Male: 58.97 %, Female: 40.22 % and Male Female Ratio: 1000:998
@2020 KVK Narayanpur All Rights Reserved, Design & Developed by : Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Narayanpur
This page was last updated on - 26.02.2024