District Profile

Narayanpur District surrounded by Kanker district to the North, Bijapur and Dantewada districts to the south and Bastar district to the East of Chhattisgarh state and Maharastra state to the West. Latitude 190, 42.9 m to the North and Longitude 810, 14.7 m to the East. Average Rainfall: 1324 mm, Average Temperature in Summer: 33 deg C and in Winter: 20 deg C, Population Density: 20 people per square kilometer, Literacy Rate: 49.59 % - Male: 58.97 %, Female: 40.22 % and Male Female Ratio: 1000:998

Thrust Area of the District

About District

Geographical area 664000 ha.
Forest area 123800.9 ha
Cultivated area 70900 ha
Double cropped area 1979 ha
Average rainfall 1305.8 mm
Irrigated area 6703 ha.
Kharif irrigated area 9.41%
Rabi irrigated area 3.96%
Cropping intensity 105%
Total blocks 02
Literacy 16
Population 110800
Scheduled tribes 89775
Scheduled caste 3318
Others 17707
Total farm families 154762
Major crops Rice, maize, minor millets, Niger, Black gram, Horse gram etc.
Source of Irrigation
Canal 1780
Tube wells 45
Wells 00
Ponds 1423
Others 923
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerlapal Farm Binjli
District Narayanpur Chhattisgarh


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